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Heartland is now a part of Arlington Mutual Insurance Company. AMIC provides quality insurance with affordable premiums throughout Wisconsin with two convenient locations in Arlington WI, and Wilton WI. With a history of over 150 years, AMIC Mission is providing quality insurance, friendly service and personalized protection through partnerships with our agents. At Heartland Mutual Insurance Company we have a product to fit your needs! Our comprehensive range of insurance options includes but is not limited to homeowner's insurance, farmowner's insurance, and renter's insurance, ensuring that you have the coverage you need for your specific situation. If looking to enhance your existing policy we've got you covered, with Heartland Mutual Insurance Company you can have peace of mind knowing that you're backed by a company dedicated to providing personalized solutions tailored to your unique requirements. Discover the security and reliability we offer – contact us to find the perfect insurance solution for you.